One of the first lessons taught in a Geometry class is the concept of calculating the distance between two points. Originally attributed to the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes, he taught, “The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.”

The concept of Straight Line Thinkers is a collection of thoughts, people and ideas that help us get our businesses to succeed in the most direct, quickest way possible.
How much time and money is wasted chasing ideas that have already been tried or making mistakes that have previously been made by others?
We all have experiences where maybe a smartphone map program has helped us chart a better course to get us somewhere faster. Airline pilots can attest that beginning a long flight and being off by just one degree can land you in an entirely different state or country. Imagine how accurate astronauts need to be to make sure they have their bearings right!
Everyone who enters a business for themselves has dreamed of a shortcut to success. While we can’t promise a shortcut, we can present ways to shave off the time it takes to reach your goals. Clearly the best time to get things right is at the beginning of your journey, but it is never too late to pivot or make the necessary course corrections.
Through our “Meet Our Leaders” podcast each Monday and the “Think & Grow with Rich” podcast each Friday – and a growing library of “Breakthroughs” – what we plan to share here is a collection of lessons from some of the most successful people in our industry.
Whether you’re an airline pilot flying across the country and need to make an early correction of one degree or you’re Harry from Dumb and Dumber and you’ve spent the entire night driving in the wrong direction… It’s time to TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF and get back on course!
Meet Rich
More than 40 years ago World Financial Group’s Rich Thawley took a chance with his future, leaving his job as an assistant university athletic director to join the financial services industry. Throughout his career, Thawley has been most admired for his enthusiasm and passion for bringing critical financial concepts to everyday people who are looking to build a strong financial future. Today, he continues to inspire and motivate associates from World Financial Group to help families achieve financial independence.
Today, the Thawley family consists of two married sons, a married daughter, their spouses and four grandchildren. Rich and Cindy believe that their greatest accomplishments have been within the walls of their home. They are passionate about their business and industry, but their life’s work is truly about being people of faith and being parents and grandparents. The Thawleys feel strongly about giving back to the community and those organizations that have touched their lives and continue to reach out and strengthen others’ lives. They routinely teach that “no family financial plan is complete without a determination to share your blessings with others.”